About Chasi

CHASI Agency for Education is an outfit committed to study opportunities around the globe. Whether you’re a representative from an institution or a potential student, our team of consultants are ready to address your enquiries and support your needs.

We provide student advisors, education consultants, counsellors and representatives, dedicated to delivering personalized and professional services to prospective clients.

“We will guide you in making the right course choice and selecting a school that fits your unique needs.”

Sade Akhigbe

University or College?

Your choice to attend a university or college will depend on your academic and career goals. Here are some guidelines:

  • If you prefer a school with a wider choice of classes and programs, a university may be a better fit.
  • If you prefer small-sized classes and more interaction with professors, a college might be a better option.

The CHASI Education team will guide you in making a choice based on your personality and desired college experience.

Our Promise To You


A major goal for our organization is to give effective, useful and advice that will increase your chances of being accepted into the school(s) and career path of your choice.


We aim to support you during the application process and ultimately increase the opportunity for you to excel in the competitive international education environment.


Whether you prefer to study in Canada, US or UK; in a university, college, high school or language school– the CHASI team are ready to guide you on your journey to international study.